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Lower Operational Costs (OpEx)
Partner with a leader in quality engineering consulting and lower your operational costs while assuring security.
The most effective way to lower operational costs is to automate your manual processes. We are experts removing manual effort by automating repetitive processes within your company. We focus on using modern and proven processes and technologies within software testing, quality assurance, and engineering.
Leveraging our industry expertise, we know what is the most cost-effective way to leverage existing automation tools and artificial intelligence (AI) tools to streamline processes while delivering a high-quality modern and secure product.
Eliminating manual effort can re-focus your quality engineering / testing resources to adapt to implementing ROI processes / technologies and continue to 10X your initial investment.
Quality Assurance Modernization Experts
Our expertise focuses on strategically enabling advanced quality engineering methods to provide an improved Return on Investment (ROI) and Security Risk Reduction.

Quality Assessments
Service Virtualization
Database Virtualization
Development & Testing Automation
Synthetic Test Data
Cloud Testing
Data Protection & Security Testing
Example Cost Factor
One best practice for top performing quality assurance or engineering teams is to focus on processes which reduce the cost to fix bugs found in code, data, and infrastructure.
Relative Cost to Fix Bugs (Shift-Left)
It is much easier and cost-efficient to detect and correct issues in code when developers are still writing the code prior to any quality control activities.
Our best practices focus on proactive improvement processes, for example during the software development life-cycle (SDLC).
You can see that being proactive and finding issues early in development is a strong cost-savings approach.
With the SDLC, their are multiple proven methods to eliminate waste.
Introduction Meeting
Please pick out a good date and time for us to connect. We can discuss your challenges and how we can help.
Contact Apply QA
Apply QA is here to help transform your engineering processes to eliminate waste and automate.
+ 1 352 638 4306
Orlando, FL 34711