Apply QA provides a variety of quality engineering and software testing books.

These books offer everyone opportunity to learn QA basics to more advanced strategic topics.

You can start with the Software Testing Series: Basics and advance thru the series. With the last book being The QA Advantage which brings everything together.

Part of Apply QA’s mission is to provide relevant and applicable quality engineering information to help educate people on software quality assurance, quality control (testing), and quality engineering.

These are short educational books meant to teach you core quality concepts allowing the reader to enhance their knowledge and bring proven methods back to their organization.

Beginner Level
– Software Testing Series: Basics
– Identity and Data Protection for the Average Person

Intermediate Level
– Software Testing Series: Test Strategy

Advanced Level
– Software Testing Series: Security Testing
– The QA Advantage

The QA Advantage

The QA Advantage provides the reader with Quality Assurance methods that provide your existing business or startup with quality-related competitive advantages.

This book will showcase the key subjects of quality assurance and quality engineering. We take a proactive and strategic approach that will lay out quality assurance subject areas, key descriptions, purpose, impacts to revenue if not implemented, and positive or negative real-world results.

Key subject areas within this book include the following:

• Test Strategy
• Test Management
• Increasing Test Maturity
• Quality Improvement Process
• Service Virtualization Testing
• Database Virtualization
• DevOps QA
• Quality Revenue Impacts

Software Testing Series – Basics (Revision 2024)

Technology is continuing to evolve at a rapid pace, this series is meant to familiarize yourself with key software testing concepts.

Key Software Testing Topics Covered:

• Key Testing Terms
• Testing Levels
• Strategy & Prep
• Execution
• Debugging
• Functional vs Non-Functional
• White Box vs Black Box
• Tools

Software Testing Series – Test Strategy

Technology is continuing to evolve at a rapid pace, this series is meant to familiarize yourself with key software testing concepts.

Key Software Testing Topics Covered:

• What is a Test Strategy
• Definitions
• Scoping
• Testing Types (10+)
• Test Management
• Testing Responsibilities
• Test Plan
• Test Reporting
• Test Strategy vs Test Plan

Software Testing Series – Security Testing

Technology is continuing to evolve at a rapid pace, this series is meant to familiarize yourself with key software testing concepts.

Security Testing

Key Software Testing Topics Covered:

• Why Important
• Understand the software development lifecycle (SDLC)
• When does security testing start?
• Static Software Testing (SAST)
• Dynamic Software Testing (DAST)
• Penetration Testing
• Vulnerability Scanning, Auditing, Monitoring
• Other proactive controls
• Cloud Security Testing
• Cloud Security Tools
• Security Testing for AI and ML
• Types of Security Testing for AI and ML

Identity and Data Protection for the Average Person (Revision 2024)

Identity and Data Protection for the Average Person underscores the importance of protecting your personal identity and data.

The author takes industry best practices and apply’s them to everyday home use. Learn about 3 main attacks on your personal data; along with recommendations for securing your personal data.

Understanding the reasons why data is collected or stolen in the first place gives the average person an advantage to combat and reduce your risk.